ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the effect of adult attachment on interpersonal problems with internalized shame and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness as mediating variables. For this purpose, a sample of 441 adults aged between 20 and 50 years(218 men and 223 women) were asked to complete the Multi-item Measure of Adult Romantic Attachment Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised(ECR-R), Internalized Shame scale(ISS), Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness questionnaire(AEQ), short form of the Korea inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex scales(KIIP-SC) online. First, internalized shame and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness partially mediated the association between anxiety attachment and moving toward people(dependent interpersonal problems). Second, the results of the association between avoidance attachment and moving away from people(independent interpersonal problems), the partial mediating effect of internalized shame and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, as well as the sequential mediating effect of internalized shame and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness were significant.
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