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On the Mediating Effects of Grit and Prosocial Behavior in the Relationship Between Intrinsic vs. Prosocial Motivation and Life Satisfaction


Currently, young adults in their twenties in Korea are experiencing the highest ever unemployment rate. This makes it hard for them to maintain social relationships, leading to lower life satisfaction. The current investigation explored the mediating effects of grit and prosocial behavior on the relationship between two types of motivation(intrinsic and prosocial motivation) and life satisfaction. A total of 356 adults in age range of 20-29 years participated in this study. While grit was a significant mediator regardless of motivation types, prosocial behavior was significant only for the relationship between prosocial motivation and life satisfaction. In the analyses of serial multiple mediation of grit and prosocial behavior, an indirect effect was observed. Grit underpinned the connection between motivation and behavior, which led to satisfaction. Across different developmental stages, intrinsic, prosocial motivation and prosocial behavior were suggested as unique variables that should be considered in improving young adults’ life satisfaction. Moreover, grit enhances life satisfaction by increasing prosocial behavior among people in their twenties, regardless of motivation type.

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