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A Study on the Effect of Goal Priming on Preference Reversal: The Moderating Role of Situational Involvement


This study examined the effect of goal priming on preference reversal in an ambiguous product choice situation. The role of situational involvement in moderating the effect of goal priming was also explored. Results show that the preference reversal in the ambiguous choice task was found such that the product possessing the attribute which was primed by goal manipulation and superior to that of the competing product. That is, those who were motivated by product quality-related goal priming chose the product whose quality is superior to that of the competing product whereas those who were motivated by product design-related goal priming chose the one whose design is superior to that of the competing product. However, this goal priming effect was found in the low situational involvement condition, but not in the high situational involvement condition. The results indicate that the unconscious and automatic information processing can affect preference reversal and provide practical implications for planning marketing and advertising strategies.

goal priming, preference reversal, situational involvement, product choice



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