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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A study on Feminist views of Counselors with a focus on Korea Women's Hot Line


The purpose of this study is to examine feminist views of counselors with a focus on Korea Women's Hot Line(KWHL). The subject of the study is 99 KWKL counselors and their feminist views are surveyed by the Korean Gender Egalitarianism Scale(KGES) and the Feminist Identity Development Scale(FIDS). The results are as follows. First, they show almost the same scores as those from women's movement activists in the KGES. Second, their feminist identity has developed to the highest level of 'commitment', and it is followed by the level of 'revelation', 'embeddedness', and acceptance' in the FIDS. Third, the counselors in their thirties show lower scores in the 'acceptance' level than those in their forties. Fourth, the higher their educational background is, the higher their gender egalitarianism is. Finally, full-time counselors show more developed sense of gender egalitarianism and advanced feminist identity compared with those from volunteers. These results are discussed in connection with the practice of feminist counseling in Korea which has its limitations, and its tasks in the future.


The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology