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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Browse Articles

Vol.18 No.1

Effect of the origin family's patriarch atmosphere on marital satisfaction of the newlywed couples: mediating effect of negative communication patterns

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the patriarch atmosphere of origin family on marital satisfactions. Ninety-eight newlywed couples participated in this study, and they spent less than three years in married having no children. The study examined the way how the patriarch atmosphere of the origin family of couples affected on their marital satisfaction. The result showed that the patriarch atmosphere of the husband's and wife's origin family had a significant actor effect his/her marital satisfactions, whereas they presented a non-significant partner effect on it. It indicated that the patriarch atmosphere of origin family had an actor effect on marital satisfaction whereas it didn't have a partner effect. In addition the patriarch experience of the origin family indirectly affected on marital satisfaction by mediating the negative communication pattern of the couples. In particular, the husband's experience from the patriarch family affected not only on his own marital satisfaction but also negatively on wife's satisfaction through their negative communication patterns. These findings suggested that the marital intervention should be implemented based on the understanding of the effect of a husband's patriarch experience of his origin family on marital satisfactions, and limitation and suggestion of this present study are discussed.

Depression and cognition in Korean older adults: Effects of gender and marital status

The aims of this study were 1) to examine relations of cognitive functions with gender and marital status, 2) to examine relations of depressive symptoms with gender and marital status, and 3) to identify the effects of gender, marital status and depressive symptoms on cognitive functions in Korean older adults. This study utilized data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA). The sample size of this study was 4,040 and the participants’ age ranged 65 years to older. The mean age was 73.56 years. The results showed that female or non-married adults reported greater depressive symptoms than male or married adults. Also, the relations between marital status (married vs non-married) and depressive symptoms were moderated by gender. That is, men showed higher cognitive functions than women. After controlling the effects of age, education, gender, and marital status, depressive symptom was identified as a sole significant predictor on cognitive functions. Our findings suggest that gender and marital status must be taken into account when examining an older individual’s depressive symptoms and cognitive functions. Also, depressive symptoms among older population may confer an increased risk factor for cognitive dysfunctions.

The Effect of Object Relationship Level and Frequency of Partner Behavior on Limerence in Romantic Relationships

This study attempted to investigate the effect of object relationship level and frequency of partner behavior on limerence in romantic relationships. For this research, data were collected from 300 adults who were dating. The Questionnaire contained Object Relationship Inventory, Jibchack Behavior Scale, The Frequency and Acceptability of Partner Behavior Inventory (FAPBI), Scale for Satisfaction of Romantic-relationship. The result showed that object relationship level was predictive of limerence and level of limerence was predictive dissatisfaction of relationship in male and female. And Frequency of partner's negative behavior showed that moderating effect between object relationship level and limerence only for female. The result would helpful understanding limerence of romantic relationship and improving in romantic relationship. The clinical implications and several limitations of this study were discussed in conclusion.

A Phenomenological Study on Living As a Sister of the Victim of Sexual Violence

The purpose of this study is to understand experiences of women whose sisters are victims of sexual violence using phenomenological research method. Participants of this study are three women whose sisters are victims of sexual violence. The researcher mainly used the In-Depth Interview for this study including E-mail and phone call interviews. The researcher also used notes on non-verbal characteristics of the participants and her own personal thoughts and feelings. As a result of analysis on experiences of women whose sisters are victims of sexual violence, the researcher derived 10 constituents and 27 sub-constituents. The constituents are: <getting to know what has happened to her sister>, <feeling a chill to the marrow of her bones about the hopeless news>, <experiencing post-traumatic stress>, <changes of family dynamics>, <ambivalent feeling toward her sister>, <duplicity of her own existence>, <way of handling crisis and survival strategies>, <difficulty choosing survival strategies>, <growth strategies>. In conclusion, first, although sisters of victims of sexual violence experience not only psychological shock but also emotional conflict, pain, somatic symptoms, and changes of family dynamics, they try to help their sisters and grow positively from the experience. Second, sisters of sexual abuse victims feel ambivalent toward their sisters and feel confused toward themselves because they are not the one who were raped, but they are also the victims of the rape. However, they try to obtain the legitimacy of their own existence by admitting that they are also the victims of sexual violence. Third, women whose sisters were sexually abused want to heal themselves and grow by knowing and expressing what they feel and getting professional help from others. Finally, the researcher discuss the implications and limitations of this study and suggest systematic, professional development of treatment program women whose sisters were sexually abused.

Perceptions of Sex Offenders among Female Undergraduates

The present study examined perceptions and images of sex offenders and compared results with National Crime Statistics in order to explore and identify the stereotype content of sex offenders. A survey was distributed to and answered by female undergraduate students on the following categories of questions: general perception and images, characteristics, and childhood of sex offenders. The results indicated that the perceptions of sex offenders were influenced by mass media and a number of differences were identified between the content of the perceptions and National Crime Statistics. Negative implications for criminal justice systems were also discussed.

An examination of the multi-dimensional model for binge eating among college women

This study examined the multi-dimensional model for binge eating including the personality dimension as a perfectionism, the cultural dimension as a social-face sensitivity, the social dimension as a social comparison, the body image dimension as a body surveillance and body dissatisfaction. Participants were 316 college women recruited in Deagu and Seoul provinces. The results of hypothetical model on the binge eating showed that ⒜ social-face sensitivity mediated the relation between perfectionism and social comparison, perfectionism and body surveillance, and perfectionism and body dissatisfaction, ⒝ social comparison mediated the relation of social-face sensitivity and body surveillance, ⒞ body surveillance mediated the relation between social-face sensitivity and body dissatisfaction, and social comparison and body dissatisfaction, ⒟ body dissatisfaction mediated the relation between social-face sensitivity and binge eating, and body surveillance and binge eating. It shows that socially-prescribed perfectionism lead to social-face sensitivity and social comparison, which influence body surveillance and body dissatisfaction, and finally they cause binge eating. Especially these results indicate that social-face sensitivity play an important role in beginning and maintenance of binge eating.

A Understanding Adolescents' Development and Adaption in Single Parent Families: A review of the literature

The purpose of this study was to present a comprehensive review of the literature for understanding the issues related to adolescents’ development and adaption in single-parent families. This study reviewed 117 academic articles for conceptualizing the characteristics of development and adaption of adolescents in single-parent families. Based on the literature review, the major aspects related to the single-parent family's adolescents were as follows: First, the relationship between the poverty and development of adolescents in single-parent families, Second, the types of single-parent families and its characteristics, Third, behavioral and emotional problems (external and internal problems, school adaptation, parenting, long-term effects of family structure on their development) of adolescents in single-parent family's. Fourth, the relationship between protective factors and familial structural defects (self-esteem and stress coping style, parent-adolescents relationship, family resilience, the role of co-parents, social support systems including teacher, peer, and community), Lastly intervention and helping programs for the single-parent family and their adolescents. The discussions and implications were provided based on the findings of this study for helping adolescents in single-parent families.

The relationship between explicit and implicit attachment to parent and subjective well-being in male and female university students

This study examined how the father-mother attachment and subjective well-being differ according to gender. The study also investigated the different contribution of implicit and explicit father-mother attachment to subjective well-being in university students. Participants in this study were 204 male and female university students in Seoul. The results of this study were as follows: First, There were gender difference in explicit mother avoidant attachment, implicit mother attachment and positive affect, life satisfaction. Female students felt more close to their mother in implicit and explicit attachment. The male students felt more positive affect and more satisfied with their lives. Second, explicit father-mother attachment were almost significant relationship with subjective well-being, while no relationship in implicit parent attachment and subjective well-being in male and female students. There were significant gender difference. In female students, there was not significant correlation between father-mother attachment and positive affect. When male students implicitly felt that they are secure, they felt touchable their father. Third, Only explicit father-mother attachment predicted three components of subjective well-being in both male and female. Male’s positive affect was predicted mother avoidant attachment. Parent avoidant attachment in male students and parent anxiety attachment in female influenced negative affect. Life satisfaction was predicted each poosite sex parent avoidant attachment in male and female.

A Phenomenological Study Focusing on the Bereaved Women’s Experiences by Spouse's Suicide

The purpose of this study was to give a better understanding about the essential experience of bereaved women by spouse's suicide. Five participants who live in urban areas are women and they lost their spouses by suicide. Collecting data was based on the in-depth interviews of the participants and the collected data set is analyzed by Giorgi(1985)'s phenomenological fourth phase. The results showed four core themes and fifteen superordinate themes. The four core themes are as follows: <Spouses' suicide signs that finally became distinct : the participants' perceptions about spouses' characteristics related with suicide>, <My husband is a victim of the given fate: interpretation and acceptance of spouse's death>, <I am totally disabled: suffering of the participants by spouse's death>, <Pulling up a weight of life slanted toward death: living a life as being left alone and recovering a messed up life>. Based on these results, the meanings and essence of the five participants' experience were discussed. And hermeneutic writing was attempted in order to describe better the experience of bereaved women by spouse's suicide. Finally, required roles of our current society and clinical intervention were suggested. Furthermore, some limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.

The Effect of Spirituality on Happiness and Depression of Women in Midlife

The purpose of the current study was to examine the effect of spiritual, relational, and demographic factors on happiness and depression of Korean married women in midlife. 238 middle aged women who were between the ages 40 to 64 living in Seoul and Incheon were surveyed to determine the influence of spiritual relational of transcendence, meaning in life, compassion, inner resources, awareness, and connectedness, demographic factors of health, education, economic status, average monthly income, marital status, children, job, and religion, and relational factors of marriage satisfaction and closeness with children. Hierarchical regression was used to determine the influence of various factors on happiness and depression. Finding suggest that health, marriage satisfaction, spiritual factors of inner resources and transcendence significantly predicted happiness whereas health, average monthly income, religion significantly predicted depression. In particular spiritual factors were significant predictor for happiness but religion was a significant predictor for depression. Based on the results, the implication, interventions, limitations and future directions for research were discussed concerning mental health of women in midlife.

A Study on the Conflict of Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law, Coping Strategies, Mental Health in Multicultural Family

This study investigated conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, coping strategies, mental health in multicultural family and correlation between these factors. The Factorial Structure of the Conflict Source between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law, Coping strategies Scale, Symptom Check List-90-Revision(SCL-90-R) were administerd. The results of the study are as follows: 1) mother-in-law of multicultural family experienced the higher stress of the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Also, mother-in-law of multicultural family showed the worse about mental health that specially somatization and depression. But, coping strategies doesn't showed difference between two groups. 2) conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and coping strategies in multicultural family investigated that affects the mental health, the results correlated only conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The implications and limitations of the present study were discussed.

The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology