Perception of Sexual abuse behaviors and Self-detrimental sexual behavior on Adolescents vistims
The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology / The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology, (P)1229-0726; (E)3058-2083
2003, v.8 no.1, pp.35-47
(2003). Perception of Sexual abuse behaviors and Self-detrimental sexual behavior on Adolescents vistims. The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology, 8(1), 35-47.
- keywords
성적 태도,
성폭력에 대한 인식,
자기손해적 성행동,
Sexual Harrsement,
Sexual Abuse,
Sexual Attitude,
Self Detrimental Sexual Behavior.,
Sexual Harrsement,
Sexual Abuse,
Sexual Attitude,
Self Detrimental Sexual Behavior.