The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of mother attachment on the school adjustment of child. It was established the study modeling which shows the direct effect of attachment and the indirect effect of the mediate emotion regulation variables which can mediate mother attachment and school adjustment. The questionnaire has carried out for 528 elementary school students. The research findings were follow: There are significant differences in school adjustment to gender. but there are non significant differences in school adjustment to grade and major fosterer. Mother attachment has significant influenced on the school adjustment. Specifically trust of attachment subvariables provided significant explanation for relation of friend, relation of teacher, adjustment of study and school life. Mother attachment has influenced on the school adjustment of child. in the indirect way. Looking on the side of indirect effect, mother attachment has a positive effect on emotion regulation and emotional regulation has a positive effect on school adjustment of child. The more they had secure attachment with mother, the more they were good school adjustment.
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