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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Relationship between Corporate Governance, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Value based Management

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2014, v.2 no.2, pp.24-36
Tarika Singh (Alumni PIMG, India.)
Seema Mehta (Assistant Professor)
Aditya Saxena (Alumni PIMG)
Rakhi Sikarwar (Alumni PIMG)


This study bridges the gap between management accounting, CG and entrepreneurship disciplines. Unlike previous studies, this study adopts a positivist approach to develop a contingency framework of CG that operationalises the conformance and performance dimensions into measurable constructs. The contingency framework also adopts a holistic approach that investigates the interrelationships between VBM, CG and CE, as important predictors of organizational performance, which can provide insights into the complementary or conflicting relationships among these predictors in their effects on organizational performance.

Corporate Governance, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Value Based Management



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics