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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Developing Relationship between Investors Psychology and Financial Decision Making

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2016, v.4 no.2, pp.28-47
Tarika Singh (Prestige Institute of Management)
Seema Mehta (IIHMR)
Vikram Parmar (Prestige Institute of Management)


The study aims to find out relationship between investor’s psychology and financial decision making. A questionnaire containing ten questions for investor’s psychology and eleven questions on financial decision making was administered. The questionnaires addressed demographic and cultural variables and resulted in three investor’s psychology and three for financial decision making. The results show differences in psychology of investors of different age groups. Similarly difference in financial decision making was observed for different age groups. Also a linear dependency was observed between the psychology and decision making

investor’s psychology, financial decision making, Age, Income, Qualification, Gender



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics