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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

The Effects of Business Startup Education of Restaurant Founder on Transfer Effect in Learning and Entrepreneurial Intentions

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2017, v.5 no.4, pp.20-38

Kim, Hae-Ryong
Choung-Seob SHIN (Caroline University)
Chung Hun Chung


Purpose - this study analyzes the impact of restaurant startup education on transfer effects in learning and entrepreneurial intentions based on previous research. Also, problems and ways to provide effective business startup education for a restaurant founder will be proposed based on the result. Method – this study collected surveys by conducting direct investigation. From July 20th of 2016 to September 20th of 2016 (approximately 60 days), the survey was collected. Out of 540 surveys, 520 were collected. And excepting 9 surveys which were untrustworthily conducted, total 511 surveys were used for the analysis. Result – First, as a result of the impact of which factor of a restaurant founder’s startup education has a positive impact on transfer effect in learning (the satisfaction of startup education and learning transfer), law education, entrepreneurship education and business district analysis education and practical education have turned out be positively related variables. Secondly, as a result of the impact of a restaurant founder’s startup education satisfaction on transfer in learning, it has been identified that startup education has a positive impact. Lastly, by conducting an analysis to find out which factor from a restaurant founder’s transfer effect in learning has an impact on entrepreneurial intention, all variables, including startup education satisfaction and transfer effect in learning, are positively influencing factors. Conclusion – as startup education satisfaction of a restaurant founder is increasing, there is a higher level of transfer effect in learning. Moreover, as transfer effect of startup business is getting higher, it has an impact on entrepreneurial intention.

: Restaurant Founder, Startup Education, Transfer Effect in Learning, Education Satisfaction, Entrepreneurial Intentions



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics