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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Analysis of Causal Relationship between Chinese Restaurant Chefs’ Work Environment and Burnout

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2017, v.5 no.4, pp.1-19
Sung-Woo Lee
(Caroline University)
Chung Hun Chung


The current study attempts to enhance competitiveness by improving Chinese restaurant chefs’ work environment and analyzes its effect on work environment and burnout. Also, this study analyzes to see if there is moderation role of enthusiasm between work environment and burnout. Based on analyzation, the present study aims to suggest more effective measure of human resource management by reducing burnout and turnover through providing chefs with more stable and consistent work environment and through their enthusiasm. Based on empirical study, as a result of testing <Hypothesis 1>, work environment factors – such as welfare environment, human environment, and institution environment – turned out to have significant effects. As a result of testing <Hypothesis 2>, work environment factors – such as welfare environment, human environment, and institution environment – turned out to have significant effects. As a result of testing <Hypothesis 3>, work environment factors – such as welfare environment and human environment – turned out to have significant effects, whereas institution environment did not. To test <Hypothesis 4>, moderation role of enthusiasm was tested, and the result is as follow: (1) As a result of interaction between work environment and individual’s sense of accomplishment, it turned out that human environment had significant effect, whereas welfare environment and institution environment did not. (2) As a result of interaction between work environment and depersonalization, welfare environment, human environment, and institution environment sis not have significant effect. (3) As a result of interaction between work environment and emotional depletion, work environment had significant effect, whereas human environment and welfare environment did not.

work environment, burnout, enthusiasm, obsessive passion



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics