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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

The External Knowledge Utilization and Radical Innovation in Korea Electronic Industry

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2018, v.6 no.4, pp.13-24
Youngwoo Lee
Jae-Jin Kim
(Costco Wholesale)


Many scholars have shown interest in utilization of external knowledge as an element essential for productivity and sustainable growth for a company. However, the relationship between the use of external knowledge and innovation, though important, has not been researched sufficiently. In particular, studies are scant on the use of external knowledge by Korean manufacturers. Additionally, although many scholars argue that empirical knowledge and information acquired in overseas markets enhance corporate competitiveness and financial performance, there is little research on internationalization as the acquisition of external knowledge for technological innovation. Therefore, in order to fill this research gap, this paper will look at the domestic and international strategies of utilization of external knowledge, using data from 500 manufacturing firms in Korea, and will analyze the effect of those strategies on radical innovation. In conclusion, this paper proved that the use of various external resources has a positive impact on radical innovation and that internationalization had a positive impact on first-to-market innovation.

Product Innovation, Internationalization, external knowledge source



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics