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Effect of Organizational Culture on Corporate Social Welfare Activities

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2021, v.9 no.4, pp.43-55
Young Joo JEONG
Moon Kyung CHOI (Gyeongnam Welfare Center for the Disabled)
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Purpose – Stakeholders play a vital part in the company's CSR activities and they are part of the company's achievement and affect the company's achievement or business objectives. This study aims to add insight into the already existing knowledge how the organizational culture can promote corporate social welfare activities. Research design, Data, and methodology – The current authors obtained text data for the possible practical suggestions which might be used for the creation of coding method. That implies that the present author investigated only trustable textual sources to provide for the possible solutions such as peer-revied sources and published book. Result – Research results indicated that organizational culture promotes corporate social welfare activities by making people know their values and understand how they come about. Not every community knows what its members want and how to achieve its needs. Sometimes, a community can obtain the values and principles of an organization and incorporate them into community values. Conclusion – Executive leadership and customers are part of society. Any strategy that influences their operation and works ethic influences the contact of the community. This research found methods vital in setting up an excellent culture that enhances profitability and the corporate social welfare activities through motivation and communication.

Organizational Culture, Social Welfare, Qualitative Text Analysis



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics