ISSN : 1229-0718
This study was aimed to investigate early predictors and impact of peer aggression and victimization on later behavior problems. A subgroup of children included in the Wisconsin Study of Child and Health (Essex, 2001) was assessed for child temperament, and maternal depression from infancy to preschool; child social perception skills in kindergarten; peer aggression and victimization in grade 1; and behavior problems in grade 3. Regression analyses showed that children are more likely to be aggressive or victimized in grade 1 if they earlier showed higher levels of anger-prone temperament, lower levels of social perception skills, and higher levels of maternal depression. Differential predictors were found for relational aggression and victimization: Girls are more likely to be relationally aggressive than boys; infants with high levels of reactive distress were more likely to be victimized in grade 1. Anger-prone temperament moderated the relation of maternal depression to peer problems: Children whose mothers were depressed were more likely to be aggressive or victimized if they were angry-prone and impulsive. Peer aggression and victimization assessed in grade 1 explained both internalizing and externalizing behaviors 2 years later as well as concurrently, even after controlling for early predictors (risk factors). The long-term prospective data in this study contributes to better understanding of how peer aggression and victimization develop and how they impact later behavior problems.
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