ISSN : 1229-0718
This study explored the developmental pattern of gender schema and its differentiation from middle childhood through middle adolescence in terms of multifactorial theory. The 4th(n=215), 6th(n=215), 7th(n=194), 9th(n=173) grade students were given 2 gender related measures, one for sex-typing of others and the other for sex-typing of self. The result showed that the egalitarian attitude increased across grades and both boys and girls gave more egalitarian responses on cross-sexual items. Boys endorsed more feminine items as self descriptive across grades but less masculine items between the 6th and 7th grade. Girls endorsed less feminine items between the 4th and 6th grade, endorsed more between the 6th and 7th grade and there was no significant change since then. Students were less likely to differentiate between masculine and feminine traits compared to occupations and activities in both measures. The correlation analysis showed a pattern that the egalitarian attitudes across domains were positively related with self endorsement of cross-sexual items. Among boys, gender attitude about others and self endorsement were separate components of gender schema. Among girls, self endorsement was further differentiated into masculinity and femininity. The result confirms the multifactorial theory of gender schema.
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