open access
ISSN : 1229-0718
The primary purpose of this study was to examine how children's gender accounts for variation in three abilities for emotional understanding; emotion recognition, affective perspective taking, and causal attribution of emotion. Seventy four four-year-old Korean children (41 boys and 33 girls) were interviewed using Denham's Puppet Task in which a puppet character in each story feels one of the four basic emotions. The original scale was translated into Korean, and modified through back-translation procedures and pilot studies. Children's responses in the task were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Results showed that gender differences were significant in affective perspective taking and causal attribution subscales. Specifically, girls understand contextual cues about happiness and anger better than boys, but no significant gender difference was found for emotional understanding of sadness and fear. Girls were also better than boys for causal attribution of happiness. In addition, content analysis suggested that for both boys and girls, parents' positive and negative emotional behaviors were the most common reasons for happiness, sadness, and anger. However, only girls attributed their negative feelings to marital conflicts between mothers and fathers. Also, compared to boys, girls' happiness seems to be more influenced by weather.
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