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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study is conducted to explore the modalities of relational selves according to contexts. The Relational Self Scale(RSS), Family Relationship Scale and Social Provision Scale were administered for 144 Korean mothers. The results are summed up as follows: First, mothers show different pictures of the relational self according to objects of relation, and there are significant differences among the six factors of the relational self. On the factors of 'perceived support from relation' and 'over-dependency', mothers display the highest score in relations with their children, followed by their spouse, their parents' home, and the family of their husband. On the factors of 'agency', and 'empathy-care' they show the highest score in relations with their children, and similar patterns with their spouse and their parents' home. When they are connected with the family of their husband, mothers display the highest score in the areas of 'avoidance of relation'. On the other hand, they show the lowest score in relations with their parent's home on the 'consciousness of others'. Secondly, the relational self exhibits different patterns according to economic contexts, such as mother's status of employment and monthly household income level. Thirdly, mothers show different patterns of the relational self according to psychological contexts, which include quality of family relationship and degree of social support. These results support the multi-dimensionality of the relational self. This study has significance in that it can give suggestions as to how to describe and explain developmental contexts by clarifying the psychological contents specifically about how mothers experience relational selves among the relationships with their own family members.
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