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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined how children's gender and attachment security affect children's abilities to understand emotions. Participants of this study were 59 four-or five-year-old preschool children who live in Seoul and its vicinity. Children's attachment security was identified using a Korean version of the Attachment Story Completion Task, and the Puppet Task was administered to the children at school settings. The Puppet Task consists of three subscales: emotion recognition, emotion perspective taking, and the causal attribution of emotion. Results showed that girls showed higher emotion understanding than did boys in emotion perspective taking tasks. Also, securely attached children identified others' facial expressions better than did insecurely attached children. Most importantly, the gender differences in emotion understanding was significant only in insecurely attached children, but not in securely attached children. The results were discussed within the framework of attachment theory, and gender-specific patterns of the socialization of emotion.
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