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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study aimed to investigate how child client's aggressiveness, characteristics of counselor's intervention, and therapeutic relationship affect child client's resistance in counseling sessions. The subjects were children under individual play therapy with emotional, behavioral or social skill problems. All 36 child-therapist sets were analyzed. As for clients' variable, aggressiveness was found to have significant correlation with resistance to cooperation, and among characteristics of the intervention, the interpersonal climate and directiveness were related to resistance to cooperation. In addition, the interaction between these two variables proved to affect the resistance to communication. The quality of the therapeutic relationship perceived by the therapist had effect on resistance to cooperation through an interaction with characteristics of the intervention. When the therapist perceived positive emotional relationship as low, the resistance was affected by the interpersonal climate of the therapist intervention. And when the therapist perceived negative emotional relationship as low, the resistance was affected by the depth of the intervention. The result suggested that child client's resistance in counseling sessions should be considered as a complex phenomenon related with the child client's aggressiveness, characteristics of the intervention, therapeutic relationship and the interaction among them.
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