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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to examine the casual relationship among maternal parenting, adolescence separation-individuation, mother-adolescent conflict in accordance with peer attachment. Participants were 596 high school students at the 3 high schools in Inchon and Seoul. They completed the Parenting Behavior Inventory Perceived by Adolescent, Conflict Behavior Questionnarie(CBQ), Separation-individuation Test for Adolescence (SITA), the Inventory of Peer Attachment(IPPA). The data were analyzed with Pearson's correlations, Multi sample analysis based on the structural equation modeling by the AMOS 5.01 program. The Result of this study are as follows. First, The adolescence separation-individuation process model was supported by the maternal parenting on adolescence separation-individuation caused by mother -adolescent conflict. Second, The adolescence separation-individuation model varied with sex and peer attachment. Moderating effects of peer attachment occurred only in girl's group.
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