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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study aims at examining the effect of juveniles' experience of being abused and locus of control, empathic ability on their school adjustment, and verifying the agential effect of locus of control and empathic ability in the process that abuse is affecting school adjustment. For this purpose, the researcher measured abused experience using a measurement tool for experience of being abused and neglected for 198 male and 184 female students in middle schools in Seoul. And measured peer relationship and school attachment using the measurement for school adjustment, and the empathic ability using Interpersonal Reactivity Index(IRI), and the level of locus of internal-external control using the Locus of Control Scale. Analysis of collected data revealed that abused experience, locus of control, and empathic ability had significant effects on peer relationship and school attachment. With regard to the mediation effect in the relationship between abused experience and school adjustment, locus of control and empathic ability completely mediated abused experience and peer relationship, and a locus of control and empathic ability partially mediated abused experience and school attachment.
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