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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics(occurrence, error, error causation) of Korean verbal endings between the ten 5-6year 'Korean-English' simultaneous bilinguals children and ten Korean monolingual children. Mostly, results showed that there were significant difference between two groups in the occurrence, error, error causation of verbal endings. 1) Bilingual children showed not significantly a lower frequency based on the occurrence rates of verbal endings per utterance. But Bilingual children showed significantly a lower occurrence rates in verbal ending`s variety per utterance(p<.05). 2) Bilingual children showed significantly a higher error rates(p<.05). 3) In terms of error causation, bilingual children appeared significantly higher score in phonological, semantic causes and monolingual children in syntactic one. Therefore bilingual children's verbal ending proficiency are not just a sum of two monolingual children one.
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