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This study examined personal characteristics that would differentiate resilient adolescents from fragile and vulnerable ones. A total of 104 adolescents from youth-headed families attending junior-high schools in Seoul and Kyounggi province participated in this study. Based on the scores of social competence and subjecvtive well-being of adolescents, adolescents are divided three group: resilient, fragile, and vulnerable. Descriptive statistics, t-test, and discriminant analysis were conducted using the SPSS 12.0. The personal characteristics discriminating resilient adolescents from vulnerable ones were extroversion in personality, high intelligence, motivation, openness and agreeableness in personality. Especially extroversion in personality, intelligence and motivation were found more significant in explaining about resilient adolescents from youth-headed families. In conclusion, these findings support the previous ideas that resilient adolescents have distinctive personal characteristics in multiful domain of social adaptation.
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