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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
According to the syntactic bootstrapping hypothesis, children can use syntactic cues to figure out the meaning of novel verbs. The current research examined whether Korean-learning 2-year-old children use case markers to learn the meaning of novel verbs. Participants watched a pair of videos and heard sentences including one noun phrase and a novel verb. The noun phrase was followed by either a nominative(-ka/-i) or an accusative(-lul/-ul) case marker. They were asked to point to the scene which matched the sentence they heard. The children interpreted the meaning of novel verbs differently depending on the case marker they heard. When the noun phrase was marked by an accusative case marker, the children were more likely to interpret the verb as referring to a caused-action than the noun phrase was by a nominative marker. The results suggest that 2-year-old Korean children can use morphological cues to figure out the meaning of verbs and the syntactic information that children use during verb learning can be language-specific depending on the particular grammar.
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