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The Predictors of Children's Emotional Regulation and Empathy at Age 5: A Longitudinal Approach


The purpose of this study is to identify the variables that mothers and children contribute to children's emotional regulation and empathy in early childhood. A total of 166 mothers and their children participated in this study. Mother's parenting attitude(PARQ) and child's development (K-CDI) at age 3, and mother's parenting attitude(PARQ) and child's emotional regulation(ERC) and empathy(EQ-C) at age 5 were measured. Results are as follows: First, mother's attitude had different short- or long-term effects on children's emotional development. It was mother's indifference at age 3 and mother's warmth and control at age 5 that predicted child's emotional regulation and empathy at age 5. Second, child's language ability at age 3 predicted child's emotional regulation at age 5, and child's self-help ability at age 3 predicted child's empathy at age 5. The study explored the interrelatedness of developmental domains and the effects of parenting on children's emotional regulation and empathy.

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