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The Investigation on the School Adjustment of the Children in the First Grade: Short-term and Longitudinal Approach


The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that may affect early school adjustment and their direct and indirect causal relationships. The subjects were 54 triplets of 6 year old children, their mothers, and classroom teachers. During children's age at 6, the problem behaviors and parenting attitudes were measured using mothers' reports. The 7 year old children's social competence was measured using direct interviews and school adjustment was measured via teachers' reports. Correlation, simple and stepwise regression, and path analyses were conducted based on these reports. The results showed that preschoolers' problem behaviors predicted school adjustment of the first graders the most. The mother's negative parenting attitudes explained most well the children's problem behaviors best predicted children's social competence. The internalizing behaviors were negatively related with social competence and its lower-order dimensions of sociability and interpersonal adjustment. Externalizing behaviors showed negative relationships with school adjustment and its lower-order school life adjustment, academic performance, and peer adjustment. The direct and indirect paths analyses of these factors showed that the indirect negative effects of parenting attitudes on school adjustment was mediated by problem behaviors.

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