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Perceived Home Economic Status Change, Mesosystem Patterns, and Emotional Profile among Korean Adolescents


The aim of this study was to investigate the emotional profile among adolescents experiencing home economic status change. Total of 388 junior high and high school students were participated in this study. The questionnaire used in this study included items asking the experience of home economic status change over the past one year, the degree of emotional support from microsystems(family, peers, and teachers), and mood state. Three mesosystem patterns have been identified from the cluster analysis based on the support from microsystems: secure, uninvolving, and insecure. Adolescents of secure mesosystem have relatively healthy mood state under economic hardship. On the other hand, adolescents of uninvolving and insecure mesosystem showed similar mood state suggesting that not having strong emotional bond with at least one of microsystems or extremely weak emotional bond with teachers lead to negative mood profile under the condition of home economic status change. The importance of emotional bond with microsystems were discussed based on research results.

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