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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study reviewed the research applying attachment theory to older populations and suggested the tasks for future research. Research themes being addressed in this review are as follows: (1) changes of attachment figures; (2) attachment to god; (3) changes of attachment style; (4) relationships of giver-receiver in caregiving; (5) relationships of attachment to wellbeing and bereavement. For future research of themes reviewed in this study, 5 problems to need to be solved were suggested. Although Bowlby asserted attachment representations were likely to exert influence 'from the cradle to the grave', early attachment studies were based heavily on observations of infants and children and in later romantic relationships or marital relationships of adults. As the potential for distressing separation and loss experiences increases with old age, attachment study would contribute to improve the well-being in old age.
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