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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
Serial verb constructions (SVC) contain more than two verbs in the same clause. Korean SVCs that particularly express motion events show a distributional regularity. Within SVC, manner verbs precede path verbs, and only rarely can path verbs appear before manner verbs. The present study examined whether 5-year-old Korean learners can detect this regularity and utilize such cues in inferring the verb meanings of SVC. In a dialogue, participants first heard a novel verb either appearing in the manner position or the path position, and then were presented with an event that showed a novel manner and a novel path event combined. Then, the manner and path events appeared separately, and participants were asked to choose the meaning of the novel verb between the two events while their eye-gazes were recorded. Pointing and eye-gaze responses showed some sensitivity to verb's positional regularity within SVC and it's related meaning.
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