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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among emotional expressiveness, emotional awareness and acceptance, and parenting attitude of mothers who have children aged 3 to 5 from low and middle income families. For this study, surveys were conducted with the mothers who have children aged 3 to 5 from total 40 families, which consisted of 20 low income families and 20 middle income families in Seoul and mother-child interactions using a teaching task that lasted about 15 minutes was observed. The results are as follows. First, it showed that the mothers from low income families express relatively lower positive emotion, less warm/affectionate parenting attitudes and more negative parenting attitudes, such as hostility/aggression, indifference/neglect, undifferentiated rejection and control compared to the mothers from middle income families. Low income mothers also showed lower emotional awareness and acceptance with their child's emotions. Second, there were significant correlations between the positive emotional expressiveness and warm and affectionate parenting attitudes, as well as between the negative emotional expressiveness and indifferent/negligent parenting attitudes from the low income mothers. Third, the results revealed that the negative emotional expressiveness of low income mothers can predict the indifferent and negligent parenting attitudes.
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