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Retrospected Mother's Emotional Expressivness as a Developmental Correlate of Emotional Expressiveness and Ambivalence over Emotional Expression


The present study is designed to investigate retrospected mother's emotional expressiveness as a developmental correlate of their off-springs' emotional expressiveness and ambivalence over emotional expression. For these ends, 547 College students completed questionaries including EEQ, AEQ, and retrospected SEFQ of their mother. The results of this study revealed that college students' emotional expressiveness and their conflict over emotional expression are highly correlated to their retrospection of their mother's emotional expressiveness. When they retrospect that their mother's expression of positive emotion was high, their positive and intimate emotional expression are high and their ambivalence over emotional expression was low. When they report that their mother' expression is low both in negative and positive emotion, they were also low in their emotional expression and most high in their Ambivalence over Emotional expression.

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