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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the structual relationships among depression of children, emotional identification and expression abilities and social ability. Participants were 545 students(4th through 6th grades at elementary schools) who completed a packet of questionnaires measuring the Children Depression Inventory, the Emotion Expression Scale of Children and the Peer-Relational Skill Scale. Hypothetical model for the paths and role among constructs of interest was presented drawing on previous theoretical background and analyses were performed using Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this study are as follows: First, There were not signigicant sex differences on the Children Depression Inventory and Emotion Expression Scale of Children. But, There was significant sex differences on the Peer-Relational Skill Scale. Second, the emotional identification and expression abilities meditate between depression and social ability partially. The mediation model of the emotional identification and expression abilities between depression and social ability indicates reasonable fit. Implications of the current study and suggestions for future studies were presented.
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