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The relationship between joint attention and temperament was examined in two studies. In Study 1, two aspects of joint attention-initiating joint attention(IJA) and responding to joint attention(RJA)-were assessed by means of Early Social Communication Scale(ESCS) at 12, 15, an 18 months and 9 dimensions of temperament were assessed by means of Toddler Temperament Questionnaire(TTQ) at 15 months. IJA showed significant positive correlations with persistence at 15 and 18 months. RJA showed significant correlations with mood at 12 months and approach at 15 months. In study 2, joint attention of infants between 14 and 18 months of age was evaluated both in ESCS and in infant-mother free play and temperament was also assessed by means of TTQ. IJA in ESCS and coordinated joint attention in infant-mother free play showed significant correlations with rhythmicity. Coordinated joint attention in infant-mother free play showed meaningful relationships with several other dimensions of temperament such as threshold, distractibility, intensity.
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