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Testing the Extreme Male Brain Theory of Autism


This study tested the extreme male brain (EMB) theory of autism. According to EMB theory, people with autism show an extreme of the male profile in terms of empathizing and systemizing, that is low empathizing and high systemizing. Two groups of children matched with verbal mental age (36-90 months) participated: children with autism and typically developing children. Each participants were given TOM tasks, and their mothers were asked to complete the children's versions of the Empathy Quotient (EQ-C), Systemizing Quotient (SQ-C) and Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-C). The autism spectrum condition group scored significantly lower than control on the TOM Tasks and EQ-C, and significantly higher on AQ-C, but there were no differences on the SQ-C. In addition, EQ-C and TOM were positively correlated to AQ-C, but not correlated to SQ-C. The EMB theory of autism has not been supported.

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