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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
In a group of 630 first-year middle school students (54.9% boys), the present study examined the roles of empathy, self-efficacy, and beliefs in classroom norm in defending behaviors. This study also examined whether beliefs in classroom norm moderate the relation between empathy/self-efficacy and defending behaviors. Results indicated that regardless of gender, negative beliefs in classroom norm on bullying as well as more empathy and self-efficacy increase defending behaviors for victims. However, the moderation effect of beliefs in classroom norm appears only among boys. The belief that the majority of classmates disapprove of bullying further increases the influence of empathy and self-efficacy in boys' defending behaviors. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of paying attention to perceived classroom norms as a part of bullying prevention and intervention. More gender-specific approaches for bullying prevention and intervention is another implication of this study.
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