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ISSN : 1229-0718
As essential components of emotion development, emotional identification and emotional expression play an important role in inpersonal stability and interpersonal relationship. Emotional identification and emotional expression ability is a prerequisite for adaptive psychological and social development. Penza-Clyve and Zeman(2002) devised the Emotion Expression Scale for Children(EESC) measuring emotion awareness and emotion expression. The purpose of this study is to translate the EESC into Korean and to examine the reliability and validity of the translated questionnaire. Total 545 upper level elementary-school students (male : 260, female : 285) in Choong-Chung do participated. The reliability analyses revealed high internal consistency and moderate test-retest reliability of the EESC. Factor analysis of the rest items revealed that the two subscales were discriminated cleary. To test the validity of the EESC, we examined correlations between the EESC and various psychological constructs including other emotion awareness and expression scale, depression, anxiety, sociality and aggression. The range of correlations were consistent with previous studies examining similar variables. Considering the level of reliability and validity of the EESC, it will provide a useful tool for emotional awareness and emotional expression.
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