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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study compared the effectiveness of two reading comprehension programs, which consist of word strategies and comprehension strategies. The direct instruction program is developed based on behavioral principles, teacher's explicit explanations and demonstration,and students‘ practice. The reading game instruction program is developed transferring strategies into appropriate games. The subjects were twelve grade 3-4 students who have decoding skills and IQ 70 or above but are behind the class in reading comprehension by teachers' reports. The subjects were assigned into the direct instruction group and the reading group matching IQ, BASA scores, and BAAT scores. Both programs consist of 15sessions. The results of this study showed the reading game group outperformed the direct instruction group on vocabulary selection(BAAT) and true or false test(reading span), but the direct instruction group outperformed the game group on sentence arrangement(BAAT) and reading tasks developed by the authors. But both programs enhanced subjects' sentence comprehension but not passage comprehension. These results are discussed in terms of teaching materials which include a lot sentences but a few passages.
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