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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study aims to explore the levels and characteristics of forgiveness-seeking and its related variables among college students in Korea. Forgiveness-seeking is defined as the psychological process of an offender(s) who regrets his/her wrongdoing and seeks forgiveness from his/her victim(s). It encourages victims to forgive the offender, which helps recover the broken relationship and trust. A total of 240 college students in the current study were administered with three psychological instruments that each measure forgiveness-seeking, empathy, and moral judgment. The results showed that Korean college students have a medium level of forgiveness-seeking, and the mean score of this behavior in male students is greater than that in female students. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that college students are more likely to seek forgiveness if they are male, have a high level of empathy, believe in the victim’s forgiveness, or have done moral (prosocial) deeds for the victim (i.e. apologizing, providing explanations, or making reparations) after the offense. Based on the research findings, the educational implications of forgiveness-seeking were discussed.
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