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The Diurnal Cortisol Regulation Rhythm and Internalizing Problems of Children in Institutional Care and Adopted Children in Korea


This study investigated the impact of psychosocial deprivation and subsequent social interventions for children without permanent parental care in relation to internalizing problems and diurnal cortisol regulation rhythm. The author hypothesized that psychosocial deprivation would impair regulation of the HPA axis and internalizing problems would moderate this relationship. To examine this hypothesis 4-to 11-year-old children placed in institutional care(n = 26), adopted early(n = 16), and adopted late(n = 9) were recruited. Children in institutional care exhibited more attenuated diurnal decrease in cortisol, indicative of HPA axis neuro-endocrine dysregulation than did early and late adopted children. Both early and late adopted children showed higher levels of internalizing problems. However, internalizing problems of adopted children was not correlated with diurnal cortisol rhythm. Internalizing problems were related to lower diurnal cortisol secretion in children in institutional.

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