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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated developmental changes in mindreading abilities and their relationship to cognitive abilities in adolescence and adulthood. Mindreading tasks, vocabulary tests of the K-WAIS, and Stroop tests of executive function were administered to 115 participants in five age groups (adolescents, young adults, middle-aged adults, older adults, and elderly adults). The mindreading scores of older adults and elderly adults had declined as compared with those of the adolescent group, but were not significantly different from those in the young adult and middle-aged adult groups. This suggests that mindreading abilities develop fully during adolescence and then decline beginning in adulthood, but remain relatively constant throughout adulthood. There were no significant group differences in vocabulary scores, but the Stroop test scores of the older and elderly adult groups were lower than those of the other groups. Vocabulary scores correlated positively with mindreading scores, and Stroop test scores correlated negatively with mindreading scores. Group differences in mindreading scores among 5 age groups approached the significance level after the vocabulary and Stroop tests scores were controlled.
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