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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study is to compare temperament and character in children with internalizing, externalizing disorders and comorbidity, to identifiy variables that distinguish internalizing, externalizing disorder and comorbidity. The sample comprise of 49 elementary school students who are under psychological treatment in Songpa AiZone, Seoul for Day Treatment Center Childen & Adolescents. The measurements are K-CBCL and JTCI. The results are as followed: First, the externalizing disorders and comorbidity group scored significantly higher than the internalizing disorders group in novelty seeking. Second, the internalizing disorders group scored significantly higher than the externalizing disorders and comorbidity group in harm avoidance. Third, the externalizing disorders group scored significantly lower than the internalizing disorders group in cooperativeness. Fourth, the variables that distinguish internalizing disorder from externalizing disorder are novelty seeking, harm avoidance and cooperativeness. Finally, the variables that distinguish comorbidity from internalizing disorder is cooperativeness. we discuss the importance of comorbidity group and a proposal of therapeutic intervention.
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