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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study was undertaken to analyze the level of phonological awareness and the acquisition process of grapheme-phoneme correspondence relations in Hangul phonics as used by Vietnamese adults who speak Korean as a second language. Phonological awareness tasks and grapheme substitution/addition tasks were administered to 20 Vietnamese women who had been married to Korean men in Ulsan for 1 to 6 years. Analyses revealed that these Vietnamese-Korean bilinguals showed a 75% correct rate of syllable awareness regardless of the place of the syllable and a 68% correct rate of phoneme awareness, regardless of the placement of phoneme. However, phonemic awareness for syllables in different places was varied, depending on the length of residence in Korea: The performance with regard to the first phoneme awareness was lower than that for the middle or final phoneme awareness in the subjects who had lived less than 5 years in Korea. Finally, the performance rate for the grapheme substitution/addition task was 77% to 82%; the performance for the final grapheme was likewise higher than that of the first or middle grapheme. The results were discussed in terms of the Hangul phonics and the acquisition process of Hangul grapheme-phoneme correspondence relations.
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