ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of perceived parenting behavior on overt and covert narcissistic tendency after controlling of the effect of temperament in college students. The subjects were 934 male and female college students. The results of multiregressional analysis are as follows. On overt narcissistic tendency, high excessive expectation, high affection, high abuse and low inconstency predicted high overt narcissistic tendency and explained 6.09% totally. Temperament explained overt narcissistic tendency 16.11%. High excessive expectation, high inconsistency and low monitoring, low reasonable explanation and low abuse predicted high covert narcissistic tendency and explained 4.31% totally. Temperament explained covert narcissistic tendency 39.29%. The influence of subfactor among parenting behavior is differed on overt and covert narcissistic tendency. There was discussion of the influence of parenting behavior on overt and covert narcissistic tendency and the limitation of this study.
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