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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the positive role of gratitude in elderly Koreans. Study 1 examined the relationships between gratitude and matured aging in 125 Koreans. The result showed that a disposition of gratitude was positively correlated with matured aging and happiness. Also, elderly people who reported high levels on a gratitude score were happier and had better relationships with their husbandss and children than did those who reported low scores for their gratitude disposition. Study 2 was conducted to explore the positive influence of experimentally induced gratitude. Fifty two elderly people were randomly assigned to one of three groups including two gratitude conditions and a control condition. The result showed that the elderly in the benefit-triggered gratitude group reported more positive affect and higher life satisfaction than did those in the control group. Otherwise, experimentally induced gratitude intervention had no influence on depression, death anxiety, and the negative affect of the elderly. We discussed the limited positive effect of induced gratitude on positive affect and life satisfaction.
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