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The Emotional Identification and expression abilities improvement program


In this work, the Emotional Identification and Expression Abilities Improvement Program for upper level elementary-school students with emotional problems was developed to improve their emotional identification and expression abilities, social ability, and psychological health and reduce their behavioral problems. The program emphasized improvement in the emotional lexicon. The Korean EESC, Child Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), a measure of social functioning, and the K-CBCL were administered to 24 children in the intervention group and 25 children in a control group. The intervention group showed significant improvements over time in scores on the Korean EESC, CDI, STAIC, social functioning measure, and K-CBCL. However, there were no significant differences in the control group. These results suggest that program participation is associated with enhancements in emotional ability, social functioning, and psychological health. This study demonstrates that the 8-week emotional lexicon education program may be effective for reducing internalizing/externalizing psychological symptoms and increasing emotional and social abilities in upper-level elementary students.

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