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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study is to develop an Internet addiction-counseling program for older elementary school children and verify its effectiveness. Forty-six upper-grade elementary school students were selected for a high-risk user group (intervention group, n = 24) and a potential-risk user group (the control group n = 22). The counseling program was developed to help students to recognize problems caused by Internet addiction, establish the degree of their Internet addiction and use habits, learn how to control their Internet use, and experience alternative activities that could replace addictive use of the Internet. In the case of Internet addiction, parent participation is important, so tasks involving parents were included in the sessions. The program comprised six 45-minute sessions. To evaluate the treatment efficacy, the Internet Use Habit Diagnosis Scale (IUHDS) and a self-report measure of the length of time spent on the Internet were administered before and after the treatment. The observer portion of the IUHDS was completed by the parents. The intervention group exhibited a reduction in problems in daily life, withdrawal symptoms, and deviation behaviors, and increased tolerance, as evinced by scores on the sub-scales of the IUHDS. Parent observation indicated that degree of Internet addiction was significantly lowered in the intervention group.
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