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The Relation of Cognitive and Emotional Empathy to Social Behaviors in Korean Children


This study examined the relationship of cognitive and emotional empathy with social behaviors, in a sample of 53 10–12–year-old Korean children. Cognitive empathy was measured by a battery of theory of mind tasks. Emotional empathy was measured by facial mimicry response, based on the assumption that emotional contagion by facial mimicry is a key factor in emotional empathy. Facial mimicry scores were calculated using the facial EMG activity in the zygomaticus major and corrugator supercilii muscle during exposure to dynamic happy and sad expressions. In addition, children’s empathy and social behaviors were assessed by self-report questionnaires, such as the IRI, BEI, and EQ-C. The mind-reading scores were not correlated with the cognitive empathy subscale scores. In contrast, the facial mimicry scores, which were the differences in mean muscle activity at the zygomaticus major between exposure to happy and sad expressions, were positively correlated with the emotional empathy subscale scores. Facial mimicry scores and mind-reading scores predicted different aspects of pro-social behaviors. The present results demonstrated the dissociation between cognitive and emotional empathy.

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