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Prosocial Behavior as a Mediator between Religiosity, and Aggression in Late Childhood


Research has established consistent relationships between religiosity and mental health outcomes; however, research on children’s religiosity and psychosocial outcomes is scarce. The current study examined the relationship between religiosity, prosocial behavior, and aggression in late childhood (n = 631, M age = 11.19). We further analyzed gender differences in religiosity, prosocial behavior, and aggression because gender has been considered an important factor for understanding these three variables. Children’s religiosity was positively correlated with prosocial behavior, and prosocial behavior was negatively correlated with aggression. However, children’s religiosity was not correlated with their level of aggression. Prosocial behavior mediated the relationship between children’s religiosity and aggression. In other words, a higher level of religiosity was positively related to prosocial behavior. Prosocial behavior, in turn, was negatively related to aggression. When we performed a multi-group analysis of this structural model, we confirmed that the model of the prosocial behavior as a mediator between children’s religiosity and aggression held true for both boys and girls. However, differences in the path coefficients for boys and girls indicated that the association between prosocial behavior and aggression was stronger among the boys.

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