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Effects of Understanding of mind and Empathy on Children's Prosocial Behavior in the Dictator Game


Age and sex differences in children's prosocial behavior, knowledge of mental states, and empathy were examined during a dictator game. Participants were 132 children aged 4, 6, and 8 years. Children were asked to divide 10 candies between themself and an anonymous recipient. Knowledge of mental states was measured by first-order and second-order false belief tasks. Empathy was measured by The Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents. Older children and girls engaged in more prosocial behavior, and 8 year olds offered significantly more candy to recipients than 4 year olds. In addition, first-order and second-order false belief understanding and empathy were significantly and positively correlated with prosocial behavior. The greater a child’s understanding of mental states and empathy, the more he/she engages in prosocial behavior. Finally, a hierarchical regression analysis revealed that empathy significantly predicted children's prosocial behavior; however, understanding mental states was not predictive. These results suggest that children's prosocial behavior is related more to emotional factors rather than cognitive factors.

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