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The Mediating Effects of Effortful Control and Social Information Processing in the Relationship between Physical Abuse Experience and Reactive Aggression


The purpose of this study was to examine the roles of children's emotion regulation and social information processing on the relationship between childhood physical abuse and reactive aggression. Emotion regulation was operationally defined as effortful control. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the overall relationship between variables of interest. Data was obtained from 1,197 elementary school students belonging to 5th- and 6th-grade who met specific criteria for physical abuse. Results indicated that children's experience of physical abuse directly affected reactive aggression. The direct effect of physical abuse on reactive aggression was greater than the total indirect effects of other variables. Both social information processing and effortful control served as mediators for the relationship between physical abuse and reactive aggression. Additionally, the mediating effect of effortful control was greater than that of social information processing, and effortful control appeared to influence all three stages of social information processing. Based on these findings, effective intervention strategies are discussed for decreasing reactive aggression among physically abused children. The implications of a newly identified concept related to effortful control were also emphasized.

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